Business Spotlight – Dr. Karen Hall Part One

June 7, 2024

A consistent thread that Dr. Karen Hall has carried throughout her journey is always being open to listening—how what she’s experiencing can enhance her intellectually, and the opportunities it will provide to share with others.

Unbeknownst to her, Dr. Hall’s speaking engagements with various audiences, like high school athletes, and working with teachers, was the perfect training, that ultimately led her to where she is today.

We dived into how Dr. Hall defines mentorship and sponsorship:
💡Mentorship: someone that you choose to support your advancement or betterment.
💡Sponsorship: People who are putting your name forward in rooms without you even knowing.

Dr. Hall shares that one of her mentors was her fourth grade teacher. A key lesson from her teacher was, “if you’re gonna be a street cleaner, be the BEST street cleaner you can be”. This teaching is one that she carried through her journey as a student, athlete and professional.

We wrapped up Part 1 by discussing Dr. Hall’s core values—the main one being respect. Her approach is to start with openness when getting to know people. You never know how that person could provide a new perspective, or set you on a new path in life.

Dr. Karen Hall sees the world through her athletic lens, respecting her opponent, while still striving to be the best. We’ll follow more of Dr. Hall’s journey in Part 2!